Tone Sphere Wiki

Click on one of the character's names to go to their character page.

Weirs & Trin[]

Weirs cutscene
Trin cutscene

Weirs and Trin are the two main protagonists of Tone Sphere. They meet when Weirs appears in a mirror in a lonely Trin's castle room, and leads her on an adventure.


Neuman cutscene

Neumann calls himself the warden of cosmos, but Weirs and Trin consider him to be more of a garbageman, much to his annoyance. When they meet him, he entreats them to bring Damsel to him in order to save the malfunctioning Darksphere.


Damsel cutscene

The source of a glitch spreading through Darksphere, Damsel was once close to the creator of the universe. She was left behind when she abandoned her creation.

Opto-sensei XXVI[]

Opto-sensei cutscene

Opto-sensei acts as a guide to Weirs and Trin as they explore the Tone Sphere universe. May or may not be the first beagle in space.


Derrida cutscene

Derrida is De-r-ri-da.


Endu cutscene



Howl and Quackenbush

Howl is a new character added to Tone Sphere in the "Lights Go Round" update.

Category Songs featuring Howl not found

Unesko ♂ & Yunesko ♀[]


A friendly ghost couple. Unesko was introduced in a Twitter preview for Haunted Dance in July 2019. Originally an unnamed result of a few minutes' work from Sta in Illustrator, he became a hit when he was added as an emoji on the official Discord server. In the subsequent effort to give him a name on Twitter, a machine translation of "世界遺産" suggested the organisation UNESCO. Another offhand suggestion shortly afterwards led to the creation of Yunesko - assumedly the result of even fewer minutes' work in Illustrator.

They went on to establish(???) the high-end(???) fashion brand Yunes & Co.
